BioLAGO member HS-Analysis enriches hackathon in the bioSASH project

D-Karlsruhe/Konstanz | The need of safer and smarter labs has never been greater than today. Especially the pandemic has shown the importance of having efficient laboratories with capability to deliver fast and reliable results.

BioLAGO and SiLA identified needs and challenges of lab users and organized already successful hackathons in which innovative approaches to solutions for existing lab challenges have been developed.

The project bioSASH (BioLAGO-SiLA 2/AnIML Serial Hackathon) offers lab users the opportunity to meet with a group of top European automation experts to discuss and to work on tough challenges in the lab.  

BioLAGO and SiLA registered great interest from different universities and organisations in Europe and the US, as well as SMEs and bigger pharmaceutical companies who contributed actively in the bioSASH project in both in the working sessions but also in the keynote speaker sessions.

BioLAGO and SiLA are also glad to announce that next bioSASH hackathon will take place in Konstanz at the Villa Rheinburg on 29 September and 30 September 2022. Meet automation experts and figure out what the current challenges in the lab are and what kind of technologies are already exist. Learn also more about SiLA and AnIML in order to overcome one of the main hurdles in implementing robotics solutions in the lab.

One of the participants is also BioLAGO member HS Analysis. We spoke with Mr. Sergey Biniaminov and asked him some interesting questions which you can see below.



Sergey Biniaminov graduated with a Diploma in Economics and Political Science of Karlsruher Institut of Technology (KIT). He is managing shareholder at BIN Holding GmbH and HS Analysis GmbH, both based in Karlsruhe. BIN Holding GmbH is an AI-first-company with the focus on scalability of AI products and processes. HS Analysis GmbH is a software and equipment component manufacturer for data processing in industrial and research environments.




What did you particularly like about the bioSASH hackathon and the bioSASH project in general?

Sergey Biniaminov: On the one hand, it was interesting to meet our business partners again, to get to know current problems of other laboratory operators and to work out possible solutions together as a team. On the other hand, great contacts were made for future projects. We are looking forward to further bioSASH events.

Why is standardization in lab automation for you so important and why is the bioSASH project helpful to achieve progress in lab automation?

Sergey Biniaminov: HS Analysis GmbH is a software and equipment component manufacturer for analysis in industrial and research environments. Standardization in laboratory automation enables very simple integration possibilities of HS Analysis products (plug in play) into the customer environment. Furthermore it reduces investment contributions on customer and manufacturer sides.

Do you think SiLA/AnIML is the best open source solution and if yes why?

Sergey Biniaminov:  HS Analysis GmbH is an expert in Sila/AnIML integration in several projects in the field of pharmaceutical, biological and materials research. HS Analysis use AnIML to standardize the data exchange between the instruments offered by HS Analysis and other modules for data processing and visualization in the laboratory environment. Software components and analysis modules developed by HS Analysis GmbH communicate to AnIML as well, allowing the customer to easily integrate analysis results into the overall report. Of course HS Analysis has further examples using SiLA/AnIML as it is a established technique to standardize data exchange.

What were your motivations for participating in the hackathon?

Sergey Biniaminov: Experience exchange and networking were our most important motivating aspects for participating in the Hackathon.


BioLAGO e.V.
Jamin Bouras
Project Manager
+49 (0)7531 – 921525 1

Project Partner

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