Diagnostics Drugs & Therapy Devices Data

MedFIT 2024

FR-Lille | MedFIT gathers a broad MedTech and diagnostics crowd, allowing you to meet the most qualified players on innovation cycle, from research to market, along with technology regulation and assessment.

With 650 international participants from 30+ countries, MedFIT is your opportunity to connect with international key innovators in the MedTech, Diagnostic and Digital Health sectors.

As the leading European partnering event, MedFIT provides the ideal environment to help industry players to source early-stage assets, to facilitate the emergence of collaborative projects between big players, public research institutions, start-ups and SMEs, to increase licensing opportunities, to obtain funding and to facilitate market access.

More information in the MedFIT brochure 2024 and MedFIT Video.


More information HERE


03.12.2024 - 04.12.2024





Lille Grand Palais
1, Boulevard des Cités Unies
59777 Lille, FRANCE


310 avenue Eugène Avinée
Parc Eurasanté Ouest
59120 LOOS, France