Diagnostics Devices Drugs & Therapy Data

AIRAmed GmbH

AIRAmed is an expert in the quantitative analysis of neuroradiological MRI image data. Since 2019, AIRAmed has been developing innovative AI software based on neural networks. AIRAmed software solutions make neuroradiology precisely measurable, according to the motto: exact measurement results and excellent findings for better medicine in the future!

The innovative software products support the early detection, therapy and follow-up of neurodegenerative diseases. Well-known forms include dementia with its special form of Alzheimer's disease, but also diseases such as multiple sclerosis and Parkinson's disease. AIRAmed software provides support in cases where conventional radiological visual findings often do not provide reliable results, as the first signs of disease are often not yet visible to the naked eye at an early stage.

AIRAmed software solutions not only create great added value for patients, but also for specialists in the fields of (neuro)radiology, neurology and psychiatry. In the course of the evaluation, the individual image data are compared with a large stock of stored reference data. In this way, the treating specialist can precisely check whether individual measured values are normal or deviate from the norm for the respective age and gender.

The company is based in Tübingen and currently employs 16 people.


Neuroradiology, Software, Artificial Intelligence, Quantitative Radiology, Neural Networks


Konrad‑Adenauer‑Str. 13
DE-72072 Tübingen

Phone: +49 (0) 7071 / 63 99 394
Web: www.airamed.de