
Hochschule Furtwangen University (HFU)

The faculty of Medical and Life Sciences of Hochschule Furtwangen (Furtwangen University), situated on the Villingen-Schwenningen campus, offers teaching and research in the fields of Bioprocess Engineering as well as Molecular and Technical Medicine. The study courses provided by this faculty range from Bio and Process Engineering (B.Sc.), Molecular and Technical Medicine (B.Sc.), Medical Diagnostic Technologies (M.Sc.), Technical Physician (M.Sc.) as well as Sustainable Bioprocess Technology (M.Sc.).

These study courses supply the growing demand for trained professionals in sectors which contribute to better life quality and the maintenance of people’s health. They relate to fast evolving areas such as biotechnology, environmental technology and sustainability research on one hand and diagnostics, therapy and prevention of human diseases on the other hand. The Medical and Life Sciences is one of the strongest faculties in research at Furtwangen University. It offers both attractive and practical orientated teaching and research opportunities for its students.

Research and development projects are an integral component of the studies at Furtwangen University, and are often carried out in close collaboration with regional research institutes and/or industrial companies. Current R&D projects focus on two main areas: biotechnology and bioprocess technology (production of enzymes, bioenergy production, environmental management) and (Personalised) Medicine/Precision Medicine and Technical Medicine (cancer research, biostatistics & simulation, microbiology & hygiene, diagnostics, functional genomics (transcriptomics, metabolomics, nanotechnology, biomarker)).

In July 2015, the Institute for Precision Medicine (directed by M. Kohl, H.-P. Deigner and M. Egert) was founded, belonging to the Institute of Applied Research (IAF). The IAF of Furtwangen University is the central contact for all questions relating to research, development and transfer.


Bioenergy, Bioprocess Engineering and Analytics, Biotechnology, Diagnostics, Medical Engineering


Jakob-Kienzle-Straße 17
DE-78054 VS-Schwenningen

Phone: +49 (0)7720 - 307 4403
Web: www.hs-furtwangen.de