
Sciomics GmbH

Sciomics GmbH specialises in high-throughput analyses of biological samples at the protein and protein phosphorylation level. The platform is based on antibody array technology and the company's services have a wide range of applications. The main applications include biomarker discovery and verification as well as analyses of signalling networks and toxicological studies.

In 2013, Sciomics GmbH was established as a spin-off of the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) in Heidelberg. Since then, it has been impressing academic and industrial customers with its comprehensive 'sample-to-result' services. In addition to standardised antibody arrays, the company also offers customised arrays for various applications.


Antibodies, Protein Porofiking, Biomarker Discovery, Drug Target Discovery Biotechnology


Im Neuenheimer Feld 583
DE-D-69120 Heidelberg

Phone: +49 6221 4294830
Web: www.sciomics.de