Loran GmbH
Devices |
Quality management, technical documentation, clinical affairs, regulatory affairs, conformity assessment, consulting, training |
DE-Aachen |
Südpack Medica AG
Diagnostics, Drugs & Therapy |
CH-Baar |
RICB Diagnostics AG
Diagnostics |
In-vitro-Diagnostics, Lab-on-a-Chip, Point-of-Care, Cancer Bio-markers, Analytics |
CH-Bad Ragaz |
Microsynth AG
Diagnostics |
DNA/RNA Oligo Synthesis, DNA Sequencing, PCR Analysis, Genotyping, Contract Research |
CH-Balgach |
ZAKlab GmbH
Diagnostics |
Diagnostics & Analytics, Veterinary Medicine, Cell Diagnostics, Tick Diagnostics, Research |
DE-Balingen |
Diagnostics |
Outpatient care concepts, e-health, independent advice |
DE-Balingen |
LEITAT - Technological Center
Diagnostics |
Diagnostic-Assays, Antibody & Engineering, Microfluidics, Photonics, Prototyping |
ES-Barcelona |
M2-Automation GmbH
Devices |
Microdispensing systems, laboratory automation, microarrays, assay miniaturisation, customer-specific solutions |
DE-Berlin |
Physikit UG
Diagnostics, Data |
Self-test kits, home diagnostic, health app, home testing, dried blood spots, lab analysis, patient journeys, market insights, laboratory method development |
DE-Berlin |
Böhler Life Science Advice
Diagnostics, Devices, Drugs & Therapy, Data |
M&A projects, operational project work, sales support, technology transfer and licensing |
CH-Berneck |
Hochschule Biberach - Fakultät Biotechnologie
Drugs & Therapy |
Biopharmaceuticals, bioprocess development, biocatalysis, process engineering |
DE-Biberach |
bings und partner BERATENDE INGENIEURE PartGmbB
Drugs & Therapy, Devices |
ISO 9001-2015, RiskManagement-Analysis-SoftwareSolution Oncology-Care-Paths |
DE-Bodman |
EquipNet, Inc.
Devices |
Appraisals, Asset Redeployment Management System- ARMS, Auctions, Computer Equipment Value Recovery, Global Consignment, Lab Relocation Management, Own It Now, Proactive Asset Sales, Procurement, Project Management, Site Closure Management, Worldwide Logistics |
DE-Bridgend, South Wales |
Dr. Risch Gruppe
Diagnostics |
Laboratory medicine, human genetics, microbiology, R&D special analytics and clinical studies, digitalisation |
CH-Buchs |
R-Biopharm AG
Diagnostics, Devices |
Clinical diagnostics, food and feed analysis, nutrition care, allergen analysis |
DE-Darmstadt |
Drugs & Therapy |
Polymer science, organic chemistry, drug synthesis |
DE-Donaueschingen |
Prospective Instruments LK OG
Devices, Diagnostics |
Multi-Photon & Single-Photon Fluorescence Microscopy, Lightsheet Microscopy, Multi-modal imaging, Digital staining |
DE-Dornbirn |
Ellecom GmbH
Diagnostics, Devices |
In-vitro diagnostics, medical technology, regulatory affairs, documentation, consulting, trade in medical devices, trade in electronic components |
DE-Efringen-Kirchen |
HS-Analysis GmbH
Diagnostics, Data |
Pharma research, design thinking, process optimization, software development, server management |
DE-Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen |
KIT Institute of Microstructure Technology (IMT)
Diagnostics |
Peptidarrays, Peptid-basierte Binder, Assays, lab-on-chip |
DE-Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen |
NanoCraft Coating GmbH
Devices |
Surface analytics, surface protection, coating systems |
DE-Engen |
Kugelmeiers AG
Diagnostics |
3D cell culture, regenerative medicine, diabetes treatment, stem cell research |
CH-Erlenbach |
Mediantis Consult GmbH
Drugs & Therapy |
Clinical studies, medical writing, quality management |
CH-Ermatingen |
Diagnostics, Drugs & Therapy, Data |
Genetics, biomarker oncology, cardiobiometabolic diseases, molecular biology, cell cultures, clinical studies, biostatistics |
AT-Feldkirch |
mdeg digital GmbH
Devices, Data |
Cloud Solutions, Cyber Security, Embedded Software Development, Frontend & Backend Development, ISO 27001 certified Hosting, Development & Documentation according to IEC60601-1 & IEC62304 resp. ISO13485 & ISO14971 |
DE-Freiburg |
Diagnostics, Devices, Drugs & Therapy, Data |
patent law, protection of industrial property, intellectual property |
DE-Freiburg |
Arbeitskreis Klinische Prüfungen GmbH (AKP GmbH)
Diagnostics |
Clinical Trials, Performance Evaluation, PMCF, Project Management, Regulatory Affairs, Monitoring |
DE-Freiburg |
NIUB Sustainability Consulting
Diagnostics, Devices, Drugs & Therapy |
Consulting, sustainability, life science, research and communication, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) |
DE-Freiburg |
Universitätsklinikum Freiburg
Diagnostics, Drugs & Therapy |
Clinic, research, teaching |
DE-Freiburg |
Hahn-Schickard-Gesellschaft für angewandte Forschung e.V.
Devices, Diagnostics |
lab-on-a-chip, medical devices, microsystems engineering, point-of-care-diagnostics, sensor technology, assay development |
DE-Freiburg |
Dermagnostix GmbH
Diagnostics, Devices, Data |
Molecular diagnostics, dermatology |
DE-Freiburg i.Br. |
MPS - Medizinische Planungssysteme GmbH
Diagnostics, Data |
Therapy and quality management software, planning and administration of chemotherapies, digital documentation & data analysis |
DE-Freiburg im Breisgau |
Fritz Gyger AG
Devices, Diagnostics |
Microfluidics, liquid handling, liquid dispensers, microvalves, automation |
CH-Gwatt |
Diagnostics |
Clinical and technical studies, in-vitro-diagnostic, contract laboratory, sample management, sample storage |
DE-Habach |
Sciomics GmbH
Diagnostics |
Antibodies, Protein Porofiking, Biomarker Discovery, Drug Target Discovery Biotechnology |
DE-Heidelberg |
seleon GmbH
Devices |
Product Development, Production, Regulatory Affairs, Clinical Affairs, Quality Management |
DE-Heilbronn |
GATTAquant GmbH
Diagnostics |
Fluorescence, Nanotechnology, Ultrasensitive Detection, Conjugation of biomolecules |
DE-Hiltpoltstein |
House of Lab Science
Diagnostics, Devices, Drugs & Therapy, Data |
Biobanking, Laboratory space, Lab as a Service, Serviced Lab Space, Further Education Programs, Events, Community building, Networking |
CH-Hombrechtikon |
MEGACOR Diagnostik GmbH
Devices, Diagnostics |
veterinary medicine, in-vitro-diagnostics, infection markers, antibodies |
DE-Hörbranz |
SuFIDA Innovation Lab
Diagnostics |
Assay development, digital assay technology, microscopy, fluorescence microscopy, data analysis |
DE-Jülich |
medicalvalues GmbH
Diagnostics, Data |
Digital diagnostics, AI, data science, machine learning, integrative diagnostics |
DE-Karlsruhe |
BP-Con, Professor Klaus Schäfer
Diagnostics, Devices, Drugs & Therapy, Data |
Biotechnologie, Consulting, Pharma, Teaching |
DE-Konstanz |
Devices |
Prototype construction, feasibility studies, product development, construction for special machines |
DE-Konstanz |
Diagnostics, Devices, Drugs & Therapy, Data |
Digital business models, sales strategies, product innovations |
DE-Konstanz |
MTS Medical AG
Devices |
Radio shock wave, spark wave technology, wound healing, orthopaedics, urology |
DE-Konstanz |
Takeda GmbH
Drugs & Therapy |
oncology, gastroenterology, neuroscience and rare diseases |
DE-Konstanz |
trenzyme GmbH
Drugs & Therapy |
GMP-compliant cell line development, protein expression, protein purification, stable cell line development |
DE-Konstanz |
Diagnostics, Devices, Drugs & Therapy, Data |
Commercial and residential construction, real estate industry, laboratory space providers, e-shelter security, facility management |
DE-Konstanz |
Orthobion GmbH
Devices |
biomaterial, implants, spine |
DE-Konstanz |
Bioplant Naturverfahren GmbH
Drugs & Therapy |
Biostimulants , Fungicides , Homeopathy , Insecticides , Plant strengtheners |
DE-Konstanz |
Eurofins Genomics Europe Sequencing GmbH
Diagnostics |
DNA Sequencing, Bioinformatic, Genetic, Genomic |
DE-Konstanz |
Beshiri Group
Devices |
Leasing of the Beshiri Area Konstanz |
DE-Konstanz |
bizzcenter24 | Business Center Konstanz
Diagnostics, Devices, Drugs & Therapy, Data |
Office service, office rental, conference service |
DE-Konstanz |
Bio-Protect Gesellschaft für Phytopathologie GmbH
Drugs & Therapy, Diagnostics |
Phytopatholgy, biological plant protection, microbiology, fungicide resistance, Phys- Chem Paramter |
DE-Konstanz |
Oliver Butzmann Fachanwalt für Medizinrecht und Mediator
Diagnostics, Devices, Drugs & Therapy, Data |
Medical law, medical device law, contract law, data protection, anti-corruption |
DE-Konstanz |
stemick GmbH
Drugs & Therapy, Data |
Cell-based assays, pharmacology, toxicology, human neuronal cell model, ferroptosis, lab-automation, biostatistics |
DE-Konstanz |
myPOLS Biotec GmbH - Part of Medix Biochemica Group
Diagnostics |
DNA, RNA, Polymerase, PCR, Assays |
DE-Konstanz |
Bracco Imaging Deutschland GmbH
Drugs & Therapy, Diagnostics |
Contrast media, computer tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound procedures |
DE-Konstanz |
Dr. Mosetter Prinzip - falcento GmbH
Drugs & Therapy |
Artificial sweeteners, Dietary supplement, Glycobiology, Metabolism |
DE-Konstanz |
Karrer & Viellieber GmbH
Diagnostics, Devices, Drugs & Therapy, Data |
Auditing, tax consultancy, annual financial statements, payroll accounting, financial accounting |
DE-Konstanz |
Data |
Information mining, data mining, data exploration, visualisation |
DE-Konstanz |
USBEE-Labor für DNA-Analytik
Diagnostics, Devices |
DNA analysis, DNA genealogy, PCR, sequencer maintenance, capillary electrophoresis equipment, ABI CE Maintenance (CE= Capillary Electrophoresis |
DE-Konstanz |
Hochschule Konstanz Technik, Wirtschaft und Gestaltung
Data |
Health informatics, health economics, software development, system development |
DE-Konstanz |
Data |
Employer branding, communication, media campaigns, social recruiting |
DE-Konstanz |
Büro für Biologische-Ökologische Beratung
Drugs & Therapy |
Phytopathology, fungi, consulting, editing |
DE-Konstanz |
Landkreis Konstanz
Diagnostics, Devices, Drugs & Therapy, Data |
Business promotion, Business start-ups , Corporate set-ups , Education ,Tourism |
DE-Konstanz |
LECS LifeScience – Education Consulting & Services DR. RUFF
Drugs & Therapy, Devices, Diagnostics, Data |
Education, counselling, communication, publication management: research, information and data management |
DE-Konstanz |
Spitalstiftung Konstanz
Drugs & Therapy |
Outpatient and inpatient care for the elderly, assisted living, outpatient care for the mentally ill, social pediatric care, sustainability management and the economy for the common good |
DE-Konstanz |
Labor Dr. Brunner
Diagnostics |
Clinical chemistry, haematology, serology, microbiology, hygiene, molecular biology |
DE-Konstanz |
Caritasverband Konstanz e.V.
Drugs & Therapy |
Welfare association, care, advice |
DE-Konstanz |
Universität Konstanz
Devices, Diagnostics |
Immunology, biochemistry, cell biology, chemistry, genetics |
DE-Konstanz |
Proximo-WSD UG
Data |
Digital Communication, App Development |
DE-Konstanz |
Taut Science And Service GmbH
Drugs & Therapy |
Clinical Studies, Medical Science, Project management,Research and Development, Strategy |
DE-Konstanz |
SMPC – Silke Horbach Medizinisch-wissenschaftliches Publizieren
Drugs & Therapy |
Literature research, Marketing support, Medical Affairs related tasks, Medical writing, Project management |
DE-Konstanz |
ME PharmaConsult GmbH
Diagnostics |
Consulting, Clinical Development Biomarkers, Diagnostics, Business Development |
CH-Kreuzlingen |
Institute of Cell Biology and Immunology Thurgau
Diagnostics, Drugs & Therapy |
Cell biology, Cell migration, Immunology, Tumorbiology |
CH-Kreuzlingen |
PFIF – Partner für Innovation & Förderung GmbH
Diagnostics, Devices, Drugs & Therapy, Data |
Funding, grants R&D tax relief, innovation consultancy, corporate development, project funding |
DE-Lahr |
Devices, Data |
Sample preparation, Microfluidics, Biosensors and signal readout, IVD, Laboratory automation, Medical Wearables, Tissue Engineering |
CH-Landquart |
DiaLine AG
Devices |
CH-Lausen |
Flody GmbH
Diagnostics, Devices, Data |
Digital health application, sepsis, infection detection |
DE-Ludwigsburg |
Fluxergy Europe GmbH
Diagnostics, Devices, Data |
Point-of-care platform, POC, multimodal analysis, sensor systems, human diagnostics, veterinary medicine, food safety, environmental analytics |
DE-Mainaschaff |
Metecon GmbH
Diagnostics, Devices, Data |
Quality Management, Technical Documentation, Clinical Affairs, Regulatory Affairs, Software & Digitalization |
DE-Mannheim |
DRG Instruments GmbH
Diagnostics |
CLIA, ELISA, Point-of-care diagnostics (POC), assay development, automation |
DE-Marburg |
VidaWell GmbH
Data, Devices |
Apps, software, lifestyle, diagnostics, management, medical devices |
DE-Mühlhausen |
Institute for Laboratory Medicine Spital Thurgau AG
Diagnostics |
aboratory Medicine, Clinical Chemistry Microbiology, Infectology, Haematology |
CH-Münsterlingen |
Stolmár & Partner
Diagnostics, Devices, Drugs & Therapy, Data |
IP law firm services, patents, trademarks, designs, license – and cooperation agreements |
DE-Neuhausen ob Eck |
Effectum Medical AG
Diagnostics, Devices |
Quality Management, CE Certification, Regulatory Affairs, Product Development, Commercialization |
CH-Olten |
Innovendia Consulting Services
Diagnostics, Devices |
Biotechnology, Diagnostics and analytics, Medical technology |
DE-Owingen / Lake Constance |
stimOS GmbH
Devices |
Medical technology, implant materials, surface finishing, bioactivation, drug transport |
DE-Radolfzell |
Diagnostics, Devices |
Quality management, technology assessment, market introduction, product development |
DE-Radolfzell am Bodensee |
wiwoco GmbH
Diagnostics, Devices, Drugs & Therapy, Data |
Biotechnology, product information, project management, research, technology studies |
CH-Rapperswil |
comes compliance services
Drugs & Therapy |
Audits, Data integrity Data integrity, Inspection readiness, IT compliance, Validation |
DE-Ravensburg |
Vetter Pharma-Fertigung GmbH & Co. KG
Drugs & Therapy |
Injection systems , syringes, packaging, active substances |
DE-Ravensburg |
MVZ Labor Ravensburg – Labor Dr. Gärtner
Diagnostics |
Laboratory medicine, endocrinology, microbiology, molecular biology, human genetics |
DE-Ravensburg |
Kompetenzzentrum Obstbau-Bodensee (KOB)
Diagnostics |
Plant protection, genetics, fruit cultivation, variety determination, plant phsiology |
DE-Ravensburg-Bavendorf |
Zwisler Laboratorium GmbH
Diagnostics |
Microbiology, virology, molecular biology, hygiene Bacteriology |
DE-Reichenau / Göldern-Ost. |
NMI Natural and Medical Sciences Institute
Diagnostics, Devices, Drugs & Therapy |
subprojects and individual services such as consulting, technology assessment, applying for funding, conceptual planning, coordination of projects, Biomarkers and bioanalytics, Safety/ Tox, Target research, Disease models and mechanisms, Protein and antibody technologies, biological assessment of medical devices, Material and surface analysis, Material development and functionalization, Microsystems engineering and development of micro- and nanosystems |
DE-Reutlingen |
ViREQ eHealth GmbH
Data |
Medical informatics, diagnostics, clinical communication servers, e-health applications, data |
CH-Salenstein |
Wild & Küpfer AG
Diagnostics, Devices, Drugs & Therapy, Data |
Injection molding technology, molds, materials, process technology and services, quality management |
CH-Schmerikon |
Arztkonsultation ak GmbH
Diagnostics, Data |
telemedicine application, video consultation, patient care, API integration, digital care pathways |
DE-Schwerin |
eyeQ Instruments AG
Diagnostics, Devices, Drugs & Therapy, Data |
Laboratory and process automation, Customised design, Prototyping and product development, X-ray metrology, Optical metrology and spectroscopy ,Medical devices, International distribution |
CH-Schwerzenbach |
Delivery Glider AG – Jedsy
Devices, Drugs & Therapy |
Drone transportation, healthcare services, emergency and courier services |
CH-Sevelen |
Hochschule Albstadt-Sigmaringen
Diagnostics, Data |
Diagnostics, Hygiene, Medical Science ,nutrition, pharmaceutical engineering |
DE-Sigmaringen |
Gesundheitsverbund Landkreis Konstanz (GLKN)
Diagnostics, Drugs & Therapy |
Internal medicine. Neurology, Oncology, Orthopaedics/ Trauma Surgery, Visceral Surgery |
DE-Singen |
Hegau-Bodensee-Klinikum Singen
Diagnostics, Drugs & Therapy |
IInternal medicine, neurology, oncology, orthopaedics/trauma surgery, visceral surgery |
DE-Singen |
Bodenseepatent Behrmann Wagner Partnerschaftsgesellschaft mbB
Diagnostics, Devices, Drugs & Therapy, Data |
intellectual property, legal protection, patent law, start-up advice, trademark law |
DE-Singen |
MVZ Labor Prof. Blessing Singen GmbH
Diagnostics |
Laboratory medicine, diagnostics, autoimmune diagnostics, allergies, endocrinology |
DE-Singen /Htwl. |
Swissatest Testmaterialien AG
Diagnostics |
Biofilm, Hygiene, Microbiology, Testmaterials, Textiles |
CH-St. Gallen |
Empa - Departement Materials meet Life
Diagnostics, Devices |
Functional Materials and Surfaces, Materials-Biology Interaction, Biointerfaces, X-ray Analytics, Nanoparticles |
CH-St. Gallen |
St.Gallen Health
Diagnostics, Devices, Drugs & Therapy, Data |
Health economy, health research, clinic, laboratory, business development |
CH-St. Gallen |
friendlyDocs AG
Diagnostics |
Metabolism Centre, Diabetlogy, End Criniology |
CH-St. Gallen |
OST – Ostschweizer Fachhochschule
Data |
Mobile health, information management, health monitoring, patient self-management, process management |
CH-St.Gallen |
Kantonsspital St.Gallen
Diagnostics, Devices, Drugs & Therapy, Data |
Primary care, central hospital, research, training |
CH-St.Gallen |
Zentrum für Labormedizin St.Gallen (ZLM)
Diagnostics |
Laboratory Medicine, Clinical Chemistry, Hematology, Immunology, Hemostasis and Hemophilia Center, Microbiology, Bacteriology, Mycology, Parasitology, Molecular Biology, Virology, Molecular Genetics, Veterinary Diagnostics |
CH-St.Gallen |
Devices, Data |
Mobility, automotive engineering, industrial plants, medical technology, software, sensors, e-health, robotics, microsystems technology, micropump systems |
DE-Stockach |
Bacher Edelstahlverarbeitung GmbH
Devices |
Stainless steel processing, cleanroom furniture and airlock equipment, customised process equipment, hoppers, transport racks and trolleys |
DE-Stockach |
ZH-Zerspanungstechnik GmbH
Devices |
CAD/CAM milling technology, assembly, development |
DE-Stockach |
Kammerer Medical Group
Devices |
Supplier surgical instruments and instrument sets, MDR-compliant manufacturing documentation also as software as a service for third parties |
DE-Stockach |
AID Diagnostika GmbH
Diagnostics |
Diagnostics (In-vitro), Microbiology, Virology, Immunology, human genetics |
DE-Straßberg |
Fraunhofer IGB
Diagnostics, Data |
Molecular diagnostics, personalised medicine, biomaterials, tissue engineering, molecular biotechnology |
DE-Stuttgart |
EUGENEX Biotechnologies GmbH
Drugs & Therapy |
Cell lines, fermentation, protein purification, bipharmaceuticals |
CH-Tägerwilen |
SwissAnalysis AG
Diagnostics |
Laboratory medicine, micronutrients, metabolism, routine diagnostics, emergency diagnostics |
CH-Tägerwilen |
Private Universität im Fürstentum Liechtenstein
Drugs & Therapy, Data |
medicine, clinical research, doctorate, dr. scient. med., education |
LI-Triesen |
Solios diagnostics GmbH
Diagnostics |
Diagnostics, point-of-care, rapid testing, lateral-flow test systems, service provider, B2B |
DE-Tübingen |
BG Klinik Tübingen - Siegfried Weller Institut für Unfallmedizin
Diagnostics, Drugs & Therapy, Data |
Real world data, diagnostics, therapy, MDR, medical technology, trauma surgery, bone, wound healing, trauma |
DE-Tübingen |
Buchinger Wilhelmi
Drugs & Therapy |
Therapeutic fasting, integrative medicine, nutritional strategies, psychotherapy and coaching, wellness |
DE-Überlingen |
EMC² Lake Constance
Diagnostics |
Process / Strategy Analysis, Change/Interimsmanagement, Content-Marketing, Leadership 4.0 |
DE-Überlingen |
Marie Curie Schule Überlingen
Drugs & Therapy, Data |
School, education, in the life science sector: BTA training with two specializations, BTG |
DE-Überlingen |
4plus5 GmbH
Data |
Architecture, interior design, building conception |
DE-Ulm |
Universitätsklinikum Ulm (ITI)
Diagnostics |
Sepsis, polytrauma, shock, immunology; transnational research |
DE-Ulm |
Institut für Klinische Transfusionsmedizin und Immungenetik Ulm
Diagnostics |
Research and teaching in the field of transfusion medicine, services relating to blood products, transfusion medicine and cell therapy |
DE-Ulm |
Universität Ulm (ILM)
Diagnostics |
Sepsis, severe injuries, shock, immunology, translational research |
DE-Ulm |
Platomics GmbH
Diagnostics, Data |
Automated IH-IVD document generation, eQMS solutions, free online courses for IVDR compliance, regulatory digitization |
AT-Vienna |
Schwarzwald-Baar-Klinikum Villingen-Schwenningen GmbH
Diagnostics |
Internal Medicine, Oncology, Cardiology, Pneumology, Pathology, Neurology |
DE-Villingen-Schwenningen |
Hochschule Furtwangen University (HFU)
Diagnostics |
Bioenergy, Bioprocess Engineering and Analytics, Biotechnology, Diagnostics, Medical Engineering |
DE-VS-Schwenningen |
CANDOR Bioscience GmbH
Diagnostics |
Immunoassays, Assay development, Stabilizer. ELISA, Blocker |
DE-Wangen |
Alfajo GmbH & Co. KG
Data |
Software development, end-to-end encryption, cloud solutions, data management system |
DE-Weiler-Simmerberg |
Steven Steiner Consulting
Diagnostics |
Consulting for diagnostic tests (e.g. lateral flow tests, IVD), protein chemistry, nano- and microparticles, development of collaborations, project management |
DE-Weilheim |
Pharecon – Personalberatung im Life Science-Markt
Diagnostics, Devices, Drugs & Therapy, Data |
Interim management, guaranteed employee recruitment, outplacement, personnel development, organisational development, personnel consulting, employer branding |
DE-Weissenhorn |
cogvis software und consulting gmbh
Devices, Data |
3D sensor technology, artificial intelligence, care, age-appropriate assistance systems |
AT-Wien |
Scythe Studio Medical Software Services
Devices, Data |
Medical app and software development, Qt development, embedded systems, UX/UI design, training and consulting |
PL-Zielonka |
SmartAngel AG
Diagnostics, Devices, Data |
Wearables, smartwatches, smart devices, software development, M2M and IT communication |
CH-Zug |
University of Zurich - Institute for Medical Microbiology
Diagnostics |
Research, teaching, diagnostics, bacteriology, microbiology, mycology, serology, antibiotic resistance, genome sequencing, NGS |
CH-Zürich |