European diagnostics experts meet at Lake Constance

  • International diagnostic experts visit Konstanz
  • Around 150 specialists from industry, research, laboratories, and clinics/hospitals from 8 countries discuss future diagnostics
  • Focus: corona virus and other infectious diseases, cancer diagnostics and digitalization

D-Konstanz | Over 150 diagnostic experts from 8 countries met at the "Diagnostics-4-Future-Conference" in Constance, organized by the international health network BioLAGO. The third edition of the international conference focussed on new concepts for COVID-19 diagnostics and cancer therapy.

After pausing last year due to the pandemic, the health network BioLAGO once again hosted the international "Diagnostics-4-Future-Conference". The event has become established as a fixed point in the diagnostic sector, with around 150 experts on site, from German-speaking countries as well as from the Netherlands, Great Britain, Ireland and Spain. At the conference, clinicians and laboratories present their diagnostic needs and get the chance to directly discuss innovative methods with diagnostic developers and researchers. Topics range from new solutions for infectious disease diagnostics, cancer, common diseases, and the application of artificial intelligence to detect diseases. Besides international speakers, also experts from the region presented their work. Dr. Oliver Nolte from the Center for Laboratory Medicine St. Gallen (Switzerland) talked about infection surveillance by whole genome sequencing of pathogens, particularly with regards to corona virus. Bastian Hennig from Roche Diagnostics Deutschland GmbH spoke about digital diagnostic concepts for cancer therapy.

Digitalization was also the topic of the panel discussion with top managers from regional companies like Takeda and B. Braun Aesculap. They emphasized the central role of the patient in all digital solutions integrating diagnostics and therapies.  A review on up-to-date research in the context of Cell therapy and the role of diagnostics by Dr. Reuben Benjamin from King’s College London. Professor Stephen Maher from Trinity College Dublin, a member of BioLAGO, contrasted Point of Care versus Lab Based testing of common diseases. Marc Masa from the LEITAT Technological Center in Spain presented latest research findings in nanoLabelling for stem cell visualization and tracking.

Speed-Datings and new diagnostic products – up close and personal
At the start of the two-day conference, participants got the opportunity to exchange views in organized 1:1-meetings to initiate potential cooperations. German service provider and consulting firm VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik supported the event as a partner. In an industry exhibition, both regional and international companies presented their products. One of them was a newly developed robot which supports laboratory medics in processing of samples. Besides industry giant Roche Diagnostics Deutschland GmbH, one of the main sponsors of the event, there were also small and medium sized companies present. " “Diagnostics plays the key role in health care, particularly in pandemic times. Through direct contact between experts, lessons can be learned from different fields paving the way for new solutions", explains Dr. Michael Steinwand, vice chairman of the board at BioLAGO and local co-organizer of the event.

Save-the-date:_The 4th Diagnostics-4-Future Conference will be on October 12-13, 2022 in Konstanz.

(Source: Press release BioLAGO, 11.11.2021)

Photos (available for Download)

Picture 1: The international diagnostics sector met at the „3. Diagnostics-4-Future Conference“, organized by the health network BioLAGO in Constance. Around 150 experts from industry, science and medicine discussed current questions. Diagnostic innovations for better health care were presented. © Johann Schmidt: js-fotografie

Picture 2: An industry exhibition was part of the two-day conference. Both regional and international companies and research institutes showcased their latest products and services on site. © Johann Schmidt: js-fotografie

Picture 3: At the start of the two-day conference, participants got the opportunity to exchange views in organized 1:1-meetings to initiate potential cooperation. © Johann Schmidt: js-fotografie

Picture 4: Among this year’s speakers was Marc Masa from LEITAT Technological Center. The research institute in Terrassa in spain has been a member of the BioLAGO network for years. © Johann Schmidt: js-fotografie

Picture 5: A top-class panel discussion on the topic “Healthcare in 2025: everything digital?” marked the end of the conference. From left: Dr. Stephen G. Maher (Trinity College Dublin), Prof. Dr. Peter Turecek (Takeda), Prof. Dr. Ralf Seepold (HTWG Konstanz), Dr. Ina Wüstefeld (Aesculap AG), Bastian Hennig (Roche Diagnostics Deutschland GmbH) and Dr. Emmanuel Delamarche (IBM Research) © Johann Schmidt: js-fotografie

Picture 10: One of the highlights was the talk from Bastian Hennig from Roche Diagnostics Deutschland GmbH. He presented digital solutions in cancer therapy in combination with diagnostics. © Johann Schmidt: js-fotografie


BioLAGO e.V. – the health network
Michael Statnik
Project manager Diagnostics
Tel.: +49 (0)7531 – 921525 2
Fax: +49 (0)7531 – 921525 9

Event partner: Platinum sponsor