Diagnostics Devices Drugs & Therapy Data

Project: „Smart Health Region 2025“

BioLAGO is coordinating the three-year project 'Smart Health Region 2025' to optimize regional healthcare through digitalisation, AI and automation.

An international competence network of users & solution providers from industry & research with approx. 25 partners (D, CH, A, LI) will be created to work together on solutions for healthcare. Based on the needs of healthcare facilities (clinics, labs, rehabs, nursing, medical practices), processes are optimized for faster individual diagnostics, therapy, rehabilitation, and aftercare. This involves individual diagnostics on site, telemedical counselling, therapy support, as well as apps for health monitoring and robotics/automation solutions.

Focus areas and topics
The project themes are determined by the partners; they are based on the needs and possibilities for action in the region. The following focal points are in focus and are interlinked:

  • Diagnostics: rapid tests, mobile/home testing, AI-based decision support, etc.
  • Therapy: AI-based decision support of medical data, smart decision support, digital treatment process, etc.
  • E-Health and telemedicine: health apps, communication interfaces for laboratory, clinic, manufacturer, doctor,
  • Automation: Robotics and interfaces for linking different devices and software.


Partner Structure (Competence Network)

The project bundles development and application competences across 4 markets (GER, CH, A, LI). Patients benefit from rapid diagnostics, individual therapy, and accompanying health monitoring.

Project Partners

Company/Institution Type Competences
AID Diagnostika GmbH (D) Company Development and production of in vitro diagnostics (assay) and image analysis equipment for microbiology, virology, immunology and human genetics
AOK – Die Gesundheitskasse Hochrhein-Bodensee (D) Health insurance company Safety and medical care in case of illness, health management
Arztkonsulatation (D) Company Telemedical software solutions
Caritas Konstanz e.V. (D) Care Inpatient and outpatient care for the elderly, day care, outpatient assisted living, dementia advice, nursing advice, outpatient wound care, palliative care, post-inpatient aftercare
cogvis software und consulting GmbH (A) Company AI-based sensor systems, care solutions for the area: fall, activity, dementia and safety
Dr. Risch-Gruppe (LI/CH) Laboratory Laboratory medicine, human genetics, microbiology, R&D specialized analytics and clinical studies
Fachhochschule Vorarlberg, Research Center Human-Centred Technologies (A) Research Optimization of interfaces between people and technology
friendlyDocs AG (CH) Medical Practice Metabolic center, diabetology endokrinology, general practitioner
Hegau-Bodensee-Klinikum Singen (D) Hospital Internal medicine, neurology, oncology, orthopaedics/trauma surgery, visceral surgery
HIGHCAT GmbH (D) Company Drones, sample transport, aircrafts, patient samples
Hochschule Albstadt-Sigmaringen (D) Research Point-of-care analytics, protein analytics, assay systems, labautomation and biomedical engineering, data security
Hochschule Furtwangen (D) Research Point-of-care analytics, protein analytics, assay systems, labautomation and biomedical engineering
HTWG Hochschule Konstanz Technik, Wirtschaft und Gestaltung (D) Research Health informatics, software development, system development, database and information systems, telemedicine and e-health, biomedical engineering, biosignal processing and analysis, sleep disorders and sleep medicine, ECG signal processing, biosignal acquisition, HRV (heart rate variability), ambient assisted living (AAL), sensor technology, sensor data fusion, automation (Industry 4.0), AI models and medical AI applications
Hochschule Ravensburg-Weingarten (RWU) (D) Research Environmental analytics, care robotics, optical systems technology, health economics, digitalization, diagnostics (digital phenotyping), psychotherapy (therapy apps/DiGA), health promotion (health apps)
Home Instead (D) Care Assistance & nursing services for elderly people and families, dementia assistance, online nursing courses
Institute of Medical Mikrobiology (IMM), University Zürich (CH) Research, Laboratory Laboratory medicine, mechanisms of action and resistance of antibiotics, AI & machine learning, genome sequencing, laboratory automation
Jedsy - Delivery Glider AG (CH) Company Drones for transporting medical samples and goods
Kantonsspital St. Gallen (CH) Hospital Primary care, central hospital, research, training
Klinikum Konstanz (D) Hospital Internal medicine, neurology, oncology, orthopaedics/trauma surgery, visceral surgery
Kommunale Gesundheitskonferenz Landkreis Konstanz (D) Health Administration Health promotion, prevention, supply security in medicine/care, corporate health management
medicalvalues GmbH (D) Company Digital diagnostics, AI, data science, machine learning, integrative diagnostics
MPS Planungssysteme GmbH (D) Company Software for therapy planning based on diagnosis
novoviam GmbH (CH) Company Innovative, digitally supported solutions and technological aids for the health and social care of older people; innovation coaching for companies in the field of digital care
Oberschwabenklinik gGmbH (D) Hospital Oncology, neurology, internal medicine, gynaecology, vascular surgery
RICB Diagnostics AG (CH) Company Point-Of-Care diagnostics, Lab-on-a-Chip
Rofides(CH) Company Outpatient care concepts, Digital Health, telemedicine, prozess optimization
Schwarzwald-Baar-Klinikum (D) Hospital Diagnostics, therapy
Smart Angel AG (CH) Company Health monitoring, detection of dangerous situations and emergency system via smartwatch
SUFIDA Innovation Lab (D) Research assay development, digital assay-technology, microscopy, fluorescence-microscopy, data analytics
SwissAnalysis AG (CH) Laboratory Laboratory medicine, micronutrients, metabolism, routine diagnostics, emergency diagnostics
Universitätsklinikum Freiburg (D) Hospital Diagnostics, therapy, aftercare
Zentrum für Labormedizin St.Gallen (ZLM) (CH) Laboratory Laboratory medicine, clinical chemistry, haematology, immunology, haemostasis and haemophily centre, microbiology, bacteriology, mycology, parasitology, molecular biology, virology, molecular genetics, veterinary diagnostics
Zentrum für Psychiatrie (ZfP) Reichenau (D) Hospital, Care Psychiatric hospital with general psychiatry, social psychiatry, geriatric psychiatry, addiction and forensics as well as psychiatric outpatient clinics, residential and nursing homes, reintegration home and decentralized psychiatric care

Become a partner!

Join the 'Smart Health Region 2025' and profit from exclusive advantages:

  • Information advantage: find out about current "needs" from clinics/ laboratories and market trends through direct exchange with users and experts
  • active partner search and mediation for collaborations (R&D, investors)
  • Higher funding opportunities
  • Exclusive project events and matchmakings (1:1) with direct contacts
  • Support and consulting in sales, finance (funding, investors)
  • Development of new applications and markets in 4 countries
  • Technology transfer experiments (hackathons) to develop new solutions
  • Support with knowledge transfer and public relations


Michael Statnik

M.A., Project Manager
Tel.: +49 (0)7531 – 71409 12

Jamin Bouras

Tel: +49 (0)7531 – 71409 15


The project „Smart Health Region 2025“ is funded for three years in the Interreg VI Alpenrhein-Bodensee-Hochrhein programm.